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Pictures of the winners of the Student Art Contest.
Picture of Student Art Contest 2015 Winners
Picture of a Student Art Contest winner

Artist Reception for the Annual Student Art Contest

May 2nd at 6PM is the Reception and Awards for the 2023 Annual Student Art Contest


In keeping with the tradition of presenting two art enrichment activities for Tehama County students grades K-12 during the Spring of each year, the Tehama County Arts Council announces its 2023 Student Art Contest. 


This year's theme is "Castles & Kingdoms".   There are so many possibilities, we welcome all creative expressions!

Less than 40% of all California students currently participate in arts education courses. As a supporter of the arts in your local community you know that arts education is a key factor in helping California’s next generation succeed. Please consider giving a little extra on your state tax return to the Keep Arts in Schools Fund. 100% of your tax-deductible contribution is applied to arts education programming supported by the California Arts Council. The "Keep Arts in Schools Fund" can be found in Voluntary Contribution Section 110 (425) of the "540" individual state tax-return form, and the minimum donation is just $1. Every dollar counts, so please join us in supporting arts education across California.

Logo for Keep Arts In Schools Voluntary Contribution Fund
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