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Art for Mental Health

May is Mental Health Month at Tehama County Arts Council. We will be offering classes geared toward making our lives fuller, more fun, healthier and incredibly creative. All classes are free. Materials are all supplied. Here is a short synopsis of our classes. 

May 9 from 6-8 pm the class is Art Remedy focusing on processing emotions through drawing. This class is healing for those dealing with trauma, disabilities, and those feeling blocked creatively. This class will be held again on May 11 starting at 10 am and again at 12 noon. Time to spark your creativity. 

May 16 we will paint Kindness Rocks to share around the community from 6-8 pm. The act of Art Abandonment will be a focus. 

May 18 at 10-11:30 will be another beginning or refresher Zentangle class, creating little works of art. 

May 18 at 11:30 we will again introduce Neurographica, an art technique that is used all over the world. 

May 18 from 1-3 we will again explore Art Journaling and its many possibilities for creativity development. 

On May 23 we will create a few different types of fun mini journals. On Saturday, May 25 from 10-12 pm we will explore ZIA or Zentangle inspired Art. You can create awesome drawings while learning to find the flow. 

On May 25, 12-3 will be our final Art Journaling class with awesome fodder to share and more time to get into the flow of creation as we make pages for a future journal. 

May 30 will be our final class of Mental Health month Art Remedy will meet at 11-1 pm and will focus on using drawing as a method for processing emotions in a healthy way.

Look on Facebook events or Red Bluff Art District Classes for more details. It helps us prepare if you let us know you are coming by emailing

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